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Getting Started with Eleventy

5 min read

Lesson 1: Bootstrap an Eleventy project

Install Eleventy with npm i @11ty/eleventy. Add two scripts in package.json:

"scripts": {
  "start": "eleventy --serve",
  "build": "eleventy"
  • npm start — start a dev server to preview the site
  • npm run build — build site

Create an index.html file:

<h1>Hello World</h1>

Start dev server with npm start and go to localhost:8080.

Eleventy supports Markdown out of the box. Rename index.html to and change the contents to:

# Hello World

And it works! 🥳

Lesson 2: Use Eleventy layouts

Create an _includes folder at the root of the project. Inside the folder, add a file called mylayout.njk:

title: My Website
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
  <title>{{ title }}</title>

  {{ content | safe }}


Eleventy makes the contents of a file that uses this layout available through the content variable. The pipe operator (|) is then used to pass the content through a filter function.

We pass the content through the safe filter.

Create a file at the root of the project with the name

layout: mylayout.njk

## My First Post

In the front matter of this page, we specify which layout it uses with the layout property.

Go to localhost:8080/post and you will see the new page.

The title of the page is "My Website", which comes from the title property in the front matter of the layout file. You can override this on per page basis by adding a title property to the front matter of a particular page that uses that layout:

layout: mylayout.njk
title: My First Post

## My First Post

You'll see the title has been updated.

Lesson 3: Use Layout Chaining in Eleventy

Create a new file mainlayout.njk in the _includes folder:

layout: mylayout.njk
<main style="color: red">
  {{ content | safe }}

A layout that uses another layout! This is called Layout Chaining.

Go back to and change the layout property to use the new layout:

layout: mainlayout.njk
title: My First Post

## My First Post

In your browser, you'll see that the title is now red.

You're basically constructing the HTML page inside out. The end result looks like this:

<!-- mylayout.njk -->
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <title>My First Post</title>
    <!-- mainlayout.njk -->
    <main style="color: red">
      <!-- -->
      <h2>My First Post</h2>

Lesson 4: Use Collections in Eleventy

Let's add a tags property to

layout: mainlayout.njk
title: My First Post
tags: post

## My First Post

Rename to index.njk and change its contents to:

layout: mylayout.njk
<h1> All Posts </h1>
{%- for post in %}
    <a href={{ post.url }}>{{ }}</a>
{%- endfor %}

collections is a variable provided to you by Eleventy. Each tag available in your project will be a property on the object containing an array of posts/pages with that tag. In this case, we access the posts in the post tag with

In the browser at localhost:8080, you will see the titles of all post that have the post tag. Each title is a link that leads you to the post page.

Lesson 5: Create pages from data in Eleventy

Create a folder named _data in your root directory.

Inside the folder, create a file pokemons.json:

    "name": "Pikachu",
    "power": "Electricity"
    "name": "Charizard",
    "power": "Fire"

In the root of the project, add another file named pokemon-page.njk:

  data: pokemons
  size: 1
  alias: pokemon
permalink: "pokemons/{{ | slugify }}/"
<p>Name: {{ }}</p>
<p>Power: {{ pokemon.power }}</p>

We use pokemons as the data source, which corresponds with the file name inside the _data folder we created earlier.

size is the amount of posts per page, in our case 1. alias is how we want to refer to an individual element inside the data set. In our case it's a pokemon.

We then use this alias to construct a permalink for each page by passing through a slug filter.

After you save the file, you'll notice in the console Eleventy is creating pages for each pokemon:

Writing _site/pokemons/pikachu/index.html from ./pokemonpage.njk
Writing _site/pokemons/charizard/index.html from ./pokemon-page.njk

Navigate to localhost:8080/pokemons/charizard and localhost:8080/pokemons/pikachu. 🎉

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