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Handy tips always at your fingertips

A collection of 123 tips that come in real handy when you need them. Originally posted as tweets on my Twitter account, and now gathered here so you can browse them easily.

Emoji Guide for Commit Messages

💡 Ever wondered what an emoji stands for in a commit message?

👉🏼 Gitmoji is an initiative by @crloscuesta to standardize emojis across commits. An awesome guide to using emojis in git commits. ✨

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Check Worldwide DNS Propagation

💡 Waiting for DNS to propagate? Unsure whether your users will see the same website you do?

👉🏼 DNS Checker looks up your DNS records from servers in different corners of the world. As seen by your users.

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Nginx Location Match Tester

💡 Are you fiddling with Nginx server blocks and location rules?

👉🏼 Use this tool to quickly debug which blocks Nginx will match to a certain request.

Nginx location tester tool where you can paste your Nginx configuration and url to test and it will describe in detail how it evaluated your configuration. Read tip

Easily Test Your .htaccess Rewrite Rules

💡 Want to make sure your Apache rewrite & redirect rules will work correctly?

👉🏼 Htaccess Tester lets you debug your .htaccess file. You can see how each rule is applied (or not) to the request URL.

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Top-Level await in Node.js

💡 Node.js 14.8 was released last week! 🚀

It brings top-level await to the masses. You can now use this feature without a feature flag.

❗️ You do need to use ES Modules. Add "type": "module" in package.json or rename .js -> .mjs.

Prior to Node.js 14.8 you had to wrap async/await in an IIFE. From Node.js 14.8 and up, you can use top-level await in ES Modules. Read tip

Public URLs for Your Local Server

💡 Need to quickly share a project hosted on your machine?

👉🏼 I love using Ngrok for that. With just one command, you get a publicly accessible link you can share with others and get feedback on your project.

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Make Your Site Portable By Using Permalinks

💡 Link to permalinks not URLs:

<a href="/slug-goes-here"> ✅
<a href="https://your-domain/slug-goes-here"> 🚫

If you don't do this and put the site on a new domain, all of your sources will link to pages and files that no longer exist.

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IaaS vs PaaS Explained Using a Store Analogy

💡 IaaS vs PaaS, what's the difference? An analogy using clothes:

👉🏼 You can rent an empty space and buy decoration, install security, etc. (=IaaS). Or you can rent shelves in an existing store (=PaaS), so you can focus on designing clothes.

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Simplified Man Pages

💡 Want to find out how to use a CLI tool but scrolling through `man` doesn't get make you any wiser?

👉🏼 TLDR Pages by @leostera is a user-friendly version of the `man pages` and includes practical examples.

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