Companies That Provide Visa Sponsorship
💡 Are you looking for a job at a company that provides visa sponsorship? ✈️
👉🏼 This repo by @ScribblingOn is a collection of companies hiring from abroad.
If a company you know is not on the list, open a PR and contribute. 🤗
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Github Actions: Workflows vs Actions
💡 When starting out with Github Actions, some terms can be confusing. 🤔
*Workflows* are the starting point of everything. This is where you configure when and which jobs should run.
*Actions* are individual tasks you combine to create a job.
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Project Ideas List
💡 Ran out of project ideas for your portfolio?
📚 The build-your-own-x collection by @DaniStefanovic has some really cool ideas (incl. tutorials) for your next impressive project. 🌟
What will you make?
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How Big Tech Companies Test Code
💡 Do you want to get past tutorials and learn how testing is done in the real world?
📚 This curated collection by @AbhijeetVaikar of how major tech companies test their software is a great starting point!
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Cron Jobs With Github Actions
💡 Did you know you can use @Github Actions to run cron jobs?
Cron jobs ⏰ are useful for all sorts of things. For example, you can have a workflow that backs up your database every day at midnight.
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Validate Github Action Workflow in VSCode
💡 Want to validate your Github Action Workflow *before* you push to Github?
👉🏼 Besides validating #YAML syntax ✅, the YAML extension for #vscode gives you auto-complete for many .yml configuration files thanks to JSON Schema Store. 🌟
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Manage Your Projects on Localhost
💡 Do you often have to juggle between different several/frontend apps on your machine?
👉🏼 Hotel by @typicode simplifies your development workflow by giving you a UI to start/stop your apps with the push of a button.
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Rename Default Branch on Github
💡 Git 2.28 introduced a global setting to rename the default branch from master to something less offensive.
You can also change this setting in your @Github account: "Settings" > "Repositories"
A good step towards a more inclusive tech. 🌈 💛
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Debug SSH Connection Failures
💡 Connecting to a remote server or cloning a repository can sometimes fail with a cryptic message.
In such cases, it's useful to debug your SSH connection by using the "-v" flag:
➡️ ssh -v user@server
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Awesome Github Profile READMEs
💡 Using a Github profile README is a great way to stand out and put your best foot forward when looking for a job.
For inspiration, check out awesome-github-profile-readme. It's amazing to see what people came up with.
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